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Artist Profile Details

Alfonso Zubiaga

(Spanish , b. 1958 )

ALFONSO ZUBIAGA Guecho, Vizcaya, Spain.1958. Starts taking pictures in 1973. After receiving an Economics degree, he goes to London in 1983, where he works as a photographer for EL PAIS, DIARIO 16, VIAJAR, and for the films “Greystoke” (Hugh Hudson) and “Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom” (Steven Spielberg). He moves to Madrid in 1985, where he opens a studio and collaborates with the main advertising agencies and publishers while pursuing his artist work. Profesor of Master Internacional Conceptual & Artistic Photography EFTI , Madrid since 2006. My photography is an exercise that explores the growing interest in contemporary art around the construction and deconstruction of reality. Photography allows us to create with the existing reality visual illusions formed with elements of reality and compose other realities. See website: http://www.zubiaga.com/

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Alfonso Zubiaga

(Spanish , b. 1958 )


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Alfonso Zubiaga

(Spanish , b. 1958 )